Our Map of Kilburn
The Kilburn Neighbourhood Area Map has been agreed after consultation with local Councillors, residents organisations in and around Kilburn, officials from both Camden and Brent, and with local residents.
We tried to take account of several factors:
The Kilburn Wards of Brent and Camden are the core of our Neighbourhood, even though this creates a slightly unusual-shaped Area.
Focus: the High Road is the main artery of Kilburn and many of our issues will relate to its future development; we therefore propose including small additional areas, either side of the High Road, North and South of the Ward boundaries.
Nearly all of the South Kilburn section of Brent’s Kilburn Ward has been excluded from our proposed area, to avoid duplicating the well-advanced regeneration Master Plan put together by Brent Council (the minor exception is the properties immediately facing the Kilburn High Road). However, the High Road is important to South Kilburn residents, and we will continue to consult with them. The South Kilburn Trust, the local community trust for SK, is highly supportive of the KNPF initiative.