What is Kilburn Neighbourhood Plan Visioning Document?
This Visioning Document is an area-wide visioning study for Kilburn; providing the background to the forthcoming ‘Vision’ for the Kilburn Neighbourhood Plan Area. The output is therefore an area-wide and locally specific set of issues, organised against a series of themes, that could form the basis of future spatial, social and design policies in the Neighbourhood Plan. – AECOM (Please click on the download button below for a full final copy (40mb). Print is set to A3 paper size (size A4 x 2)
Neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to develop a shared vision for their area.
Whilst there is a need to maintain the traffic flow along this route, especially for the bus network, a less-traffic dominated area is possible, with the 2020 Borough of Culture programme currently including a proposed street party along a temporarily pedestrianised A5.
Building on Kilburn’s Town Centre and Market offer, with a forthcoming improvements, this section of the report is therefore focused on the High Road and its future opportunities.
The Kilburn Neighbourhood Plan should promote a strong degree of ‘legibility’ across the area through the use of key focal points, streets shaped as ‘places’ and enhance the use of existing and improved public spaces to create an attractive, welcoming and distinctive place to live, work and visit.
…the GVA Retail and Town centre study highlights that “The environmental quality of the centre varies from north to south. In the north, the area is characterised by small, independent retail units which are poorly maintained, with dilapidated façades”
Whilst the park is protected as a green space at the Local Authority level already, notably as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) on the policies map, the Neighbourhood Plan should remain involved in future development proposals for the site.
….this document has been structured around potential topics for the forthcoming vision, it should be reiterated that a key theme to any Kilburn Vision should be to maintain the area’s vibrant and mixed identity.
Throughout this visioning document, a number of key themes, strengths, issues and opportunities have been identified for the Kilburn area. This section provides some examples of interventions, tools, case studies of possibilities and aspirations the neighbourhood forum may want to consider in the development of their vision for Kilburn.
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