Kilburn is a priority town centre for Brent & Camden for boosting its economic fortunes. The draft action plan sets out how this can be achieved and an insight into creating a vibrant and varied evening economy that draws in Londoners from across the capital without putting pressure on Kilburn neighbourhoods. This night time economy should offer an affordable, accessible and be inclusive and set within a safe environment.
About this action plan
This three-year action plan sets out how Brent will develop the night time economy in Kilburn, focusing on the evening period between 6pm and 11pm. It follows a successful engagement event in February 2019 which sought business and stakeholder buy-in to our ambitions for a successful evening economy and developing stronger partnerships to tackle local issues and drive improvements
We invite your views on Brent Council’s Night Time Economy in Kilburn Action Plan, which sets out Brent Council in partnership with Camden Council’s vision and priorities for revitalising Kilburn’s economic fortunes and encourages greater awareness and use of Kilburn Grange park. The evening economy should function across the borough boundaries of Brent & Camden and seamlessly with the daytime economy. Kilburn has an established and strong-performing retail heart and the plan seeks to bridge the two, building stronger partnerships, encouraging greater business and stakeholder cooperation to tackle local issues and undertaking physical improvements to create a welcoming and attractive High Road that appeals to customers at all times of the day.
Please participate in this short survey and forward this link on to your contacts in Kilburn who live, work or volunteer in the Kilburn wards of Brent & Camden or to anyone who is interested. The deadline for the survey is November 3rd 2019.
Extended: The deadline for submission has been extended to November 11th 2019.