The Localism Act, which came into effect in April 2012 allows for the formation of neighbourhood forums to “further the social, economic and environmental well-being of individuals in a neighbourhood area” and/or to “promote the carrying on of trades, professions or other businesses in an area”.

Why do we have a Neighbourhood Forum in Kilburn?

Because Kilburn High Road is the boundary between Camden and Brent, people have felt ‘on the margins’ of both Boroughs when they make plans and allocate money. It has been difficult to get our priorities across, in spite of some initiatives and the good will of many people.
So we think it is a very good idea to have a forum where people from across Kilburn and from both Boroughs can come together to discuss issues which affect the area.

Most importantly, it offers a democratic way for local residents, businesses and workers to put together a Neighbourhood Plan – via the Forum and referendum – for the future development of the area. Once it has been adopted, the local authorities will be legally bound to put it into action, and developers will have to take account of our plan.

There are also exciting opportunities for neighbourhood forums to work pro-actively on developments, via Neighbourhood Development Orders or Community Right to Build Orders, when opportunities present themselves.

Aims of the Neighbourhood Forum:

  1. Preserve the unique character of the High Road
  2. Improve the look / user experience of the High Road
  3. Ensure that local residents can express their views on planning matters
  4. Encourage Brent and Camden residents to work together
  5. Write a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Kilburn

KNPF Co-chair David’s presentation slides – Member’s meeting 2024-25

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